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Letting Go

Letting go is a necessary part of life. We have to let go of life experiences that are no longer serving us to free up space for new opportunities. We leave behind the past to make way for the present. Letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care about others, it simply means you know that only you have control over your actions.

As we grow, we begin to understand what we need and what we need to leave behind. We know when it is time to walk away; which could be a step forward. We will never achieve our highest and best if we are attached to things we need to let go of. Sometimes people and things are not meant to stay in your life forever.

People are in our lives for a reason, season or lifetime. We have very few lifetime relationships. So why do we get so bent out of shape when the reason or season is over? We need to learn to stop attempting to make season and reason people into lifetime people. We must learn how to release people in love when their time in our lives has come to an end.

Growing and expanding can be one of the hardest things you may ever have to experience. Yes, it is painful but necessary for growth. The only thing I see as being more painful, is being stuck. Stuck in hurt, stuck in anger, stuck in despair, stuck in resentment. When I compare the two, I will take growth any day.

Don’t get me wrong, we all get caught up, there is nothing wrong with allowing yourself to grieve. Grieving is a healthy part of the process but don’ t get stuck there. Don’t be afraid to let go and embrace change. Change always happens for a reason. Go with it. It is never easy but you are so worth it. Remember, you are the star in your world. You and only you determine how your story begins and ends.

Tynya R. Beverly is a Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Practitioner, and Ministerial Intern at the Center For Spiritual Awareness located in West Sacramento, California. To book Tynya to speak, contact

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